Thanks for sharing this analysis. I think you're making two important points. The bias is not only in the Bedouin story itself, but also in why they chose to put this story together at all at this time, which is a much more difficult bias to demonstrate or to speak out about.

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Thanks for the great Bedouin explainer. I did not know Israel owned 80%. That might be an article on its own - history etc. Thank you for educating me.

No surprise re CNN. The whole of mainstream media is so shallow one doesn't even need galoshes to walk through the lot of them.

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Thank you Nachum - a well-balanced article. I am at a loss as to which news channel to take seriously. I watch the BBC with the same extreme skepticism as I do with al Jazeera (yes I do check on how much crap people can spew!) and sometimes it is good for a laugh - even though I can fly into a blind rage sometimes. I thought that CNN was marginally better despite their highly biased reporting. I see now that they are nothing more than a racist, one-sided, rumour-mongering bunch of idiots. I cannot understand why people (all over the world) can be so blind and stupid as to just accept what a reporter or news channel says. There is always an agenda other than the truth. Growing up I always wanted to be a journalist and seek out the truth - it seemed such a noble calling. Thank G-d, I ended up becoming a social realist.

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