The guardian and bbc are Marxist rags

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It’s not just that British Jews should be volunteering for the IDF, it’s that they should be volunteering to go to Israel. Before they have to go involuntarily .

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Maybe don't be a transphobic shithead. Oppression is not a zero sum game.

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Pfoeee, don’t try to paint anyone as extremist. I am perfectly haply with capitalism, do not support radicalism in any sense, and abhor extreme left- and right. I do consider these statement as extreme though. First of all, considering any critique on any country as racism or discrimination is democratically speaking awful. Secondly, Israel had een long reputation of breaking international law. Third, Israeli leader again and again try to conflate Jewish people with the state of Israel by implying that they speak on behalf of the Jewish people, something which Israel is increasingly not doing. Fourth, we can’t condemn Hamas for the awful and brutal atrocities, and then look away on Israel’s. If Israel quits their Greater Israel’s policies, which are outdated and violate every western norm, and strive for peace instead of warmongering, and actually behave like the western democracy it portends to be, then criticism on Israel will subside. And again if Israel stops reitteraring that is behaves on account of every Jew, then the lion’s share of antisemitism that actually does exist will diminish. In short, stop trumping up antisemitism for political purposes, as this post does, and start igniting you liberal democratic values again instead of portraying anyone with criticism as and extreme leftist antisemite.

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Disgraceful race-mongering this post. Criticizing Israel for breaking international law equating to antisemitism isn’t only intellectually weak, it is an un democratic attempt to stifle dissent, and a desperately ugly attempt to increase discrimination against muslim communities. Shame on you.

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French philosopher Pascal Bruckner has said that Islamo-leftism was chiefly conceived by British Trotskyites of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). Understanding the term as the fusion between the atheist Far Left and religious radicalism,Bruckner posited that because those Trotskyites perceive Islam's potential for fomenting societal unrest, they promote tactical, temporary alliances with reactionary Muslim parties. According to Bruckner, leftist adherents of Third-Worldism hope to use Islamism as a battering-ram to bring about the downfall of free-market capitalism and see the sacrifice of individual rights, in particular of women's rights, as an acceptable trade-off in service of the greater goal of destroying capitalism. Bruckner contends that Islamists, for their part, pretend to join the left in its opposition to racism, neocolonialism and globalization as a tactical and temporary means to achieve their true goal of imposing the totalitarian theocracy of Islamist government.

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Straight back at you, all we see day and night is this exactly but against Jews.

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