Why would you believe a single thing she says? Look at her record. You need not look any farther. Past is prologue. She is not a trustworthy person. Kamala is for whatever advances Kamala. And what advances Kamala has been the Left because DEI. She’s not going to confront the Cultural Marxists driving the Democrat agenda. The move to the center is just a transparently obvious election year con job.

She’s also brittle, weak, and not particularly bright. Not a good set of qualities in a leader.

When she was the border tsarina, she refused to come to the border. How bad is the Biden - Harris administration? The Democrat sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona , elected with George Soros money, Paul Penzone, resigned before this upcoming election, because he couldn’t stomach the Administration’s abdication of responsibilities vis a vis the drugs, human trafficking, crime, and overt invasion coming across the border. If Kamala does that to her own country, why would you think she would protect Israel? Israel needs to have a self sufficient arms industrial capacity and rely less, not more on America. Sadly, we’re not to be trusted.

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For godsakes you are a bot blathering talking points….stop.

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GFY, Dick. That’s my talking point just for you.

Trump/ Vance 2024 - help Richard Ellison over the edge.

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I just assume most comments are bots from foreign agents. 🤣

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Would’ve been very simple for Biden to say that the blame lies squarely with Hamas and that Netanyahu is doing everything he can. But due to either feeblemindedness or ignorance, he chose, in this horrible, yet morally clear, moment, to call out Netanyahu. Trump is deeply flawed on many levels. But as Jews we do not have the luxury to get hung up on these flaws. At this moment, in this perilous time, Trump’s utter contempt for all things progressive and Islamofascist, is really our only choice. Hold your nose and vote accordingly.

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Jews are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. OBiden has driven them away with their support of Iran and the Soviet inspired left.

Considering the other voting choice, this is extra special

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Great and important breakdown of how Democrats are ignoring seismic shifts in the Lefts attitude toward Israel and their inability to defend America from threats abroad more generally.

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Nuchum and your readers - please watch all the way to the end. (It’s not long - it’s context for the last 10 seconds.)


There’s not much language to parse. But it leaves me with a question for Gov. Walz that might have serious impact. “Do you realize, Gov, that if your buddy the Imam has his way, there’ll be no more pork chops for you?”

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Not a word about the other candidate: a lying psychopath, who has proclaimed he will be a Dictator on Day One, end Elections, and is a Putin-lackey….

Disgraceful. You are a menace.

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This dictator on day one bullshit is this year’s good people on both sides. You are a weak minded brainwashed fool.

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I suppose you are correct then; Donald certainly has not exhibited behavior associated with a psychopath-Insurrectionist. Thanks publius.

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Actually, no. The Hamasphiles of the Democrat party have, though.

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you have yourself a good day bot guy.

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Only a brainwashed fool would think that someone who refutes his narrow worldview, which does not comport with facts on the ground, as a "bot."

You have no idea who the fuck you are talking to. You pusillanimous pissmeyer.

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Actually my name is Rich, not Dick.

Best to u tough guy.

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