Your comments on Netanyahu and his coalition allies are totally incorrect and unwarranted. Narcissist? On what grounds? Because he persists in the face of political opponents who are smug, cheap and hypocritical? Because he outlasts them? Because he took on Obama and Biden? Because you read the scurrilous book The Netanyahus? I disagreed with his focus on Iran at the expense of taking out the Palestinians, but never thought he was a narcissist because of that. You need a will of iron and a heart of steel to survive Israeli politics and the Netanyahu derangement syndrome of Israeli media. The corruption cases against him were falling apart before the war started. Judicial reform is highly overdue in Israel and had been discussed for years. The Attorney General in Israel is not part of the government, creating another venue of opposition to the elected government in Israel and a bastion of the old Yishuv elite's control, the same one behind the opposition to judicial reform and continuing the Gaza war. He does not prolong the war for political gain - a scurrilous and disgusting charge - but because that is the only way to defeat Hamas and get whatever hostages are alive back; otherwise Israel will have fought the war in vain. And he is the only Israeli politician with the guts and stature to stand up to the crooked and back-stabbing Biden or O'Biden administration. As for Smotrich and Ben-Gvir, the two most insightful and effective and consistent Israeli politicians to have taken measures to rein in Palestinian murderers and make them pay for their heinous policies, smearing them with an extremist right-wing label only muddles the more clarity you usually exhibit. Repeating the left-right divide in political analysis only contributes to the misreading of modern society in which lazy journalists and crackpot sociologists indulge. They may help simplify complex issues and give people an easy guide for voting, but they are totally inadequate descriptions of contemporary reality.

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Fair comment.

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Elemental facts!

The three iterations of derangement syndrome suck the life out of objective truth

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Netanyahu derangement syndrome on the Left is starting to catch up to TDS..

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Haha. On the Left is rarely where I am accused of beng. Thanks for reading.

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I never liked that twit Warren and now I hate her even more.

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Worth noting that two recent polls in NY State show Trump within 8 points of Biden, in a state that Biden won by 23 points in 2020.

Both polls taken before 100,000 pro-Hamas demonstrators converge on the Democratic convention in August...

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