Jun 20Liked by Nachum Kaplan

Unfortunately, they have mastered Soviet/Marxist style propaganda

The USSR fell apart, but the Cold War isn't really over.

I fear that we are losing.

I hope it's not too late.

What do we do?

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Excellent, Nachum! 👏🏽Thank you for this detailed breakdown down. Such a refreshing view to learn as I am a former Muslim and pro Palestine for nearly 28 years. I appreciate your writing and clarity. Stay gold.

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Jun 20Liked by Nachum Kaplan

So many people don’t bother to read anymore. It’s all out there. So, willful ignorance and antisemitism seem to always win the day. Thanks for sharing this.

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Jun 21Liked by Nachum Kaplan

This: “Britain’s treatment of Israel remains devious, supporting it on the one hand and undermining it on the other.”

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I find it deeply troubling that Israel is never allowed to simply live in peace.

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Gross misrepresentation to mislead. Israel has been progressively encroaching on Palestinian land with the settlements in the West Bank. Also, Israel has retained territory captured in war that did not previously belong to Israel, which is something countries are not supposed to do in the modern era, once a war has ended, even when they did not start the war.

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Jun 21Liked by Nachum Kaplan

It’s Israeli land, not “Palestinian.” And under international law, nations who have won land after they have been pushed into a defensive war ARE permitted to keep that land, especially when their national security relies on it.

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Under international law, combatants may not annex territory, regardless of whether their part in the war was defensive or offensive.

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Really now?

If that were the case, there would be no disincentive for malevolent states to continuously attack a non-aggressive opponent, as there would be no repercussions for initiating hostilities.

Please cite for us the relevant international law that supports your claim.

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"The Special Rapporteur observed that the absolute prohibition against annexation applies whether the occupied territory was acquired through a war of aggression or a defensive war." https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2019/06/annexation-flagrant-violation-international-law-says-un-human-rights-expert

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