You are right about the worth of these stories, even if it is irritating to watch or read them. However, some are disconcerting for they indicate how much Jew hatred is gaining in strength throughout the western world. I read recently how the United States, pursuant to a Biden executive order, is now quizzing Israelis who apply for visas about their military service in great detail and rejecting their applications. This will not affect the way Israel pursues the war, but it gets me very angry to see the depth of American duplicity when it comes to Israel. I also read today a story about how the Canadian government has named an anti-Semite to the post of chair of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Again, this will not change the outcome of the coming war in Lebanon, but it will lead me to consider moving even quicker to Israel. Ditto with the Canadian Foreign Minister's sanctioning of Israeli individuals and organizations living and working in Judea and Samaria. Of course, Canada is a third-rate power when it comes to any significant foreign policy initiatives, but the story does more than rankle. So did a story I read about students taking up the cause of Hamas in Chile, leading to attacks on Jewish and pro-Israeli professors, one of whom is taking early retirement as a result. These stories should enrage Jews everywhere and lead them to aggressive action against the governments of countries where they live that tolerate such behaviour. There is also another effect they have, which the idiots who purvey them and endorse them do not see, namely the hardening of Jewish attitudes toward the Muslim populations that attack Israel and support those attacks. I will not shed a tear when Beirut is bombed into oblivion, but I will hold the Canadian government in part responsible for that eventuality. And when I see the fake news report a lachrymose story about suffering in Gaza I remain unmoved, knowing it is one more lie from a tv anchor. Thus does the world sink into a horror show called humanity.

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Agree for the most part Nachum. In this article I wrote on UK Labour, I similarly commented on the unbelievable situation where the comments of local officials in an opposition party in Britain on Gaza is newsworthy or relevant: https://open.substack.com/pub/danielclarkeserret/p/the-descent-of-politics?r=2bk821&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

However just one quibble. It is perfectly acceptable - and important - to hear the opinions of minor players if they add something to the debate. Otherwise you and me are out of a job....

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