Excellent article. Spot on. The West is finished. The Jews need to organize self-defence militias and send their children to Israel.

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One of the great reversals of my life is that I am now considering gun ownership.

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The cancerous spread of anti-Semitism has been allowed to thrive for far too long, slowly poisoning our society. The New American Anti-Semitism: The Left, the Right, and the Jews is a clarion call for immediate action - not just from the Jewish community, but from all Americans. We must open our eyes and confront this growing threat head-on before it consumes us.

But what makes this form of anti-Semitism so insidious is that it comes not from its usual source but from within our own ranks. According to Dr. Benjamin Ginsberg—a political scientist, the toxic identity politics and venomous hatred towards Israel that pervades the political Left is the most dangerous manifestation of anti-Semitism in our modern world.

Despite enduring centuries of persecution, Jews have persevered and thrived, driven by their strong emphasis on education and achievement. Yet, this success has also bred resentment and envy among those who seek to harm them. This despicable brand of anti-Semitism has resulted in countless acts of violence and continues to pose a real threat today.

And yet, our leaders in the Western world offer nothing but empty condemnations while turning a blind eye to the reality that Jews are disproportionately targeted by radical Islamists with intent to harm. It is enraging to see such denials and dismissals of this urgent issue while Jews continue to suffer in silence. We must act now before it's too late.

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Jun 9Liked by Nachum Kaplan

Islamophobia - “A word invented by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons.”

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Canada is a huge disappointment. Trudeau is gutless. Not Jewish but supportive.

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Excellent post, thank you.

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Jewish communities have failed their host nations in the West.

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How so?

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Jewish community can sprout and grow incredibly strong ANYWHERE. It's part of the beauty of a People that have survived everything -- because of who they are. Today, Ross Marks writes about how it happened to him -- and changed his life: https://shorturl.at/wbsl2

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Nailed it.

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